Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012

Projekttreffen „Bridges over space and time“ (Polen/Tschechien)

Vom 14.-18.10.2012 besuchten uns 10 Schüler und 5 Lehrer aus Polen und Tschechien in Großkorbetha.

Nach der Ankunft am Abend ging es am nächsten Morgen mit einer Führung durch unsere beiden Schulgebäude los. Schüler erklärten auf Deutsch und englisch die neuen Unterrichtsräume und die neuen technischen Möglichkeiten. Anschließend trafen sich die Gäste und einige unsere Schüler zu lustigen Sportspielen in der Turnhalle. Nach dem Mittagessen in der Schulcafeteria wurde es sprachlich interessant. Kleine Dialoge zum Kennenlernen wurden von gemischten Schülerteams eingeübt und aufgenommen, was sehr viel Spaß machte. Gestärkt mit selbst gebackenem Kuchen luden dann Jan und Michelle unsere Gäste zu einem Rundgang durch Großkorbetha ein. Der Abend klang für alle mit einem Kulturprogramm mit anschließendem Abendessen aus.

Der dritte Tag begann mit einer Fahrt nach Naumburg. Dort besichtigten wir zuerst den Naumburger Dom und versuchten uns dann an floralen Motiven, die in Stein gehauen wurden. Eine sehr anstrengende und staubige Angelegenheit, die aber mit sehr schönen Ergebnissen zum Mitnehmen endete. Nach dem Mittagessen ging es zuerst ins Stadtmuseum mit einer fachkundigen Stadtführung und anschließend konnten Schüler und Lehrer an einem Taekwondo-Training teilnehmen. Nach der Rückkehr nach Großkorbetha wurde in der Schulcafeteria gemeinsam Pizza gebacken, was allen sehr gut gefallen hat.

Am vierten Tag fuhren wir gemeinsam nach Halle, wo zuerst der Besuch des Saline-Museums und interessante Experimente mit Salz auf dem Programm standen. Nach dem Mittagessen in den Franckeschen Stiftungen nutzten einen kurzen Stadtbummel zum Shopping. Am Nachmittag besuchten wir gemeinsam das Halloren-Schokoladen-Museum, wo es nicht nur Interessantes zum Anschauen gab, sondern auch kleine Köstlichkeiten zum Probieren. Der letzte Abend fand im Schnitzelhaus in Bäumchen statt, wo wir uns auch verabschiedeten.

Am folgenden Morgen ging es fuhr unsere Gäste wieder nach Hause. Alle freuen sich schon auf ein Wiedersehen in Senov/Tschechien im April nächsten Jahres.


Montag, 4. Juni 2012

Diary of trip to Poland (Stare Siolkówice/Popielów) 15.04.-19.04.2012

7 o’clock we started at our school in Großkorbetha. It was a very funny and long way (about 500 km) to Poland. We arrived at 12 o`clock, 4 hours too early. As we arrived we saw our bed and breakfast. It looked very beautiful and the woman, who welcomed us, was very nice. We went to the supermarket and bought some things like sweets and water. To the restaurant "Stantin" we went at 4 o`clock ate dinner there and met the other pupils and the other project members from the Czech Republic and the school in Poland later in the afternoon. We talked about school, friends and more with them. 3 hours later, at 7:30 p.m. we got back to our b&b (bed and breakfast) and fell asleep.

Our day started at 8 o’clock with a great breakfast at our b&b. In the morning we saw the school and we got a very nice welcome from the pupils and the teachers. After that we had a lesson with Lukasz and got English exercises, and then we did it in groups with all other children. After seeing every classroom and we went on a sightseeing tour around Stare Siolkówice. A former teacher guided us through the little village and explained some of its history. Because of the bad weather we only saw the church, some places of historical importance and the library. We also visited a Steinmetz who decorated the floor of the church and the complete front of his house.
After that we ate lunch at the Statin restaurant. The food here is really yummy.
In the early afternoon we went to the sports hall and played handball after we did some games in teams.
Later at the school in Stare Siolkówice we did a basketry workshop. This is a traditional craft in the region. At the end we got a basket as a present for the Comenius corner in our school.
In the evening we ate dinner at the same restaurant where we had lunch before. But we had to hurry up, because we went to the bowling center right away. There we bowled, talked and drank some coke. It was very funny.

That day started at 7:30 o’clock, because there were a lot of things planned for us. After the breakfast we went to the school. Together with the Czech and Polish pupils and teachers we went by bus to an old village called Opole skansen. This is a museum with buildings from even over 200 years ago. At first we painted on glass which is an old regional tradition. Then we saw the life of the people from 150 years ago, for example: How they lived on a farm and learnt at school.
In the afternoon we had a big meeting with the leaders of the community. We were part of the Power Point presentations of our three schools. While eating delicious cake and drinking coffee the Polish pupils presented the play “Little red riding hood” in a kind of modern way. They also showed traditional dances, sang songs and played instruments during the meeting. Our group presented the Zeitzer Blueprint as an example of a traditional craft of our region.
In the evening we had a barbeque in the backyard of the restaurant. We had a lot fun with the other pupils.

We got up at 8:00 o´clock and ate breakfast. After we got to the school in Stare Siolkówice we went by bus to Brzeg. At first we visited the Baroque church. Then we made a guided tour through the oldest castle of the Renaissance in Poland. Today it is a museum. After that we made a trip through the city and had a little time for doing some shopping. After shopping we had lunch in a restaurant, it was very delicious.
In the afternoon the bus brought us to a place near Stare Siolkówice called Stare Kolnie where are the ruins of a former famous castle. We drank coffee and ate a cake at a community room there. After that, we visited the ruins and were witnesses of a real fight between to knights in original dresses of the medieval ages. We were also allowed to use the equipment and tried on the old clothes, too. After we got back to the community room we prepared our dinner, a traditional Polish dish called “pierogi”. For some of us it was too different from the food in Germany. Therefore, we ordered a pizza for us in the evening. While eating the pizza we watched “Let´s dance”. It was a funny day!!!

On Thursday we left Poland, but first we kind of adopted the other pupils and teachers. In the morning we met at the school in Stare Siolkówice where we had to write greetings into the school chronic. After this a lot of photos were taken. The farewell was very sad because it was such a great time there. But soon we will meet the Polish pupils again. After all we went back home and made two short breaks. One time we stopped by at a McDonald’s restaurant and ate lunch there. We all are very happy to be back home. The trip was great fun and we are looking forward to the next meeting in June. It’s going to be great!!!!